Introducing Polyhedra Network

Bringing interoperability, scalability, and privacy to Web3 with cutting-edge zero-knowledge proof systems

What is Polyhedra Network?

Polyhedra Network is building the next generation of infrastructure for Web3 interoperability, scalability, and privacy through advanced Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) technology. Polyhedra Network provides trust-minimized and highly-efficient interoperability solutions for asset transfers, message passing, and data sharing between various Web2 and Web3 systems.

Our team is composed of top engineers, developers, and researchers from UC Berkeley, Tsinghua University, and Stanford University. Our main focus is to build a full-stack suite of ZKP-based Web3 solutions focusing on interoperability, scalability, and privacy.

To date, we have developed and deployed several next-generation zkSNARK protocols, and a number of innovative ZKP-based offerings, including a zkBridge which supports cross-chain asset and data interoperability between various blockchain systems, a zkDID (decentralized identity) solution for verifying credentials without compromising user privacy, as well as a paraPlonk-based scalability solution to accelerate large scale ZKP systems.

Interoperability is Important and Challenging

As the Web3 ecosystem continues to evolve, interoperability will become increasingly important. Interoperability refers to the ability of different blockchains, protocols, and systems to communicate and work together seamlessly. We believe that the future of Web3 is interoperable, connecting blockchains, Metaverses, and the Internet.

Interoperability is challenging, even for secure cross-chain bridging between blockchain networks. The cross-chain bridge protocol is a crucial component for enabling interoperability across different blockchain networks. However, the existing cross-chain solutions rely heavily on trust assumptions, which are vulnerable to various security threats. Over time, attacks targeting cross-chain bridges have resulted in losses of over 1.8 billion USD for users.

zkBridge: Trustless and Efficient Cross-chain Interoperability

Polyhedra Network designs and implements zkBridge, providing trustless and efficient cross-chain infrastructures for layer-1 and layer-2 interoperability. zkBridge uses zero-knowledge proof constructions to verify the validity of the consensus between two blockchains. With zero-knowledge proofs, zkBridge offers both strong security without relying on external assumptions and a significant reduction in on-chain verification cost. We implement deVirgo, a novel distributed proof system to accelerate the proof generation, and recursive proofs to reduce the on-chain proof verification cost.

We have launched the testnet of zkBridge, supporting cross-chain interoperability for various blockchain networks such as BNB Chain, Ethereum, Polygon, and Cosmos. For the blockchains with light client protocols, we compile light client protocols into zk-SNARK circuits and prove that the execution of the light client protocol is correct. The receiver chain side can verify the light client protocol execution with a small amount of work. By employing a modular architecture, zkBridge empowers a broad range of applications, such as token bridging/swapping, message passing, as well as computational logic that works with state changes from multiple blockchain networks.

Distributed Proof Generation Network

To accelerate the proof generation of zkBridge, we implement deVirgo, a novel distributed proof system based on the Virgo proof system. By incorporating distributed sumcheck and distributed polynomial commitment, deVirgo achieves optimal parallelism and can reduce the proof generation by a factor of 𝑀 in a distributed computing network consisting of 𝑀 machines.

The communication across the distributed computing network in deVirgo is kept to a minimum for the main body of computation, known as the GKR part in Virgo. Using deVirgo, zkBridge can be 100x faster than a single-thread Virgo prover, despite the fact that Virgo is already one of the fastest ZKP protocols.

In addition to deVirgo, we develop another distributed proof system, paraPlonk, to accelerate Plonk-based ZKP systems. paraPlonk is a generalized version of Plonk that lifts the communication overhead while retaining all the benefits of Plonk. By using segregation-friendly and laconic proof techniques, paraPlonk has extremely minimal communication between distributed nodes.

paraPlonk is compatible with any Plonk variants, such that any proof system based on Plonk can migrate to paraPlonk with minimal modifications. The implementation of paraPlonk can also work with other proof systems such as Marlin and Gemini. In practice, paraPlonk can be used to power large-scale distributed proof generation networks, enabling fully decentralized zkRollup and zkEVM.

zkDID: Portaling Internet Users to Web3

The future of Web3 should also be interoperable with the Internet. The infrastructure needs to portal billions of Internet users. Therefore Polyhedra Network implements zkDID, a scalable and interoperable DID solution based on SBT (i.e., soul-bound token) and verifiable credentials using ZKP. The goal of zkDID is to support millions of verifiable credentials per second and to help billions of users to use Web3 infrastructures and applications.

Furthermore, zkDID provides end-user privacy through the stealth address mechanisms by using ZKP. Our technology allows users to partially reveal information to selected systems so that users have fine-grained control over their personal information. Polyhedra Network uses SBTs or NFTs as scalable data containers (i.e., smart NFT container) to connect all kinds of credential issuers and Web2/Web3 applications. The zkDID infrastructure is compatible with W3C standards and any verifiable credential data types. Our solution significantly simplifies the communications between the relevant parties involved in a Web3 DID system. The zkDID infrastructure is also interoperable across various Web3 and Web2 systems by using the data interoperability implemented by zkBridge.

What’s Next?

We are excited to announce a successful raise of $10M in a strategic funding round led by top VCs and industry leaders in Web3. With the support of the investors, we will integrate our zkBridge and zkDID infrastructure with additional blockchain networks, and launch APIs and SDKs to provide builders with the tools for streamlined development and collaboration. We will continue to refine our paraPlonk protocol to attract developers seeking a highly efficient and distributed zk-rollup solution in the Web3 space.

We believe that every network should be interconnected in web2, web3 and the Metaverse. Please stay tuned for more updates and information on our website.

About Polyhedra Network

Polyhedra Network is building the next generation of infrastructure for Web3 interoperability, scalability, and privacy through advanced Zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) technology. Polyhedra Network provides trust-minimized and highly-efficient interoperability solutions for asset transfers, message passing, and data sharing between various Web 2.0 and Web3 systems.

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